Newborns Jaundice And Cerebral Palsy. Part 3 of 3

Newborns Jaundice And Cerebral Palsy – Part 3 of 3

And “It was reassuring that perceptiveness injury due to high bilirubin was rare and that only those infants whose levels were well above exchange transfusion guidelines developed kernicterus,” Newman said in the communication release. “Based on our study, the current guidelines for when to perform exchange transfusions have been quite successful in preventing kernicterus,” said the study’s lead author, Dr Yvonne W Wu, a professor of clinical neurology and pediatrics at UC San Francisco, in the release. “However, our ruminate on also raises the question whether the threshold for exchange transfusion could be higher for infants with euphoric bilirubin levels who are otherwise healthy and who have no other risk factors for brain injury tullamore.

Parts: 1 2 3

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